University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > Online Visit to the European Commission 

We have the privledge to once again invite you all to join us in a virtual visit of the European Commission!

The meeting will take place on Webex Meetings and the InfoPoint team will be in charge of every technical aspect, as host.

Please find below all the details to have access to the visit and please share it among your students:

Meeting link:

Meeting number:

2741 756 2967

Meeting password:


Join by phone

+32-262-00867 Belgium Toll

+352-2730-0072 Luxembourg Toll

Access code: 27417562967

Global call-in numbers

I also would like to explain to you how the Q&A session will work.

If the students have any questions for the speaker, they can send the questions in writing in the public chat. This will help us manage the questions in a more organised way. The students will write their question and they introduce themselves. They will be given the floor one at a time to ask the question to the speaker, in order to make the visit more interactive.

Invitation-Infopoint-visit-23012023 (PDF / 192.54 kb) Online-meeting-golden-rules (PDF / 422.88 kb)