University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > The Institute of International Studies in cooperation with Hewlett Packard Enterprise would like to invite you to participate in practical workshop: How to Create you Personal Brand and Boost You Career in an International Environent

The Institute of International Studies in cooperation with Hewlett Packard Enterprise would like to invite you to participate in practical workshops conducted online by experts from an international corporation. The detailed schedule and program of the workshops are in the attachment.

Workshops will be held on Fridays from 11.15-12.45 based upon the dates indicated in the schedule. The language of the workshops is English.

After the workshop, each participant will receive a certificate issued by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

The workshop is planned for a maximum of 30 participants.

If you are interested in this initiative, please contact:

Dr. Marek MusiołAssistant ProfessorDeputy Director for international cooperation at the Institute of International

How-to-create-your-personal-brand-and-boost-your-career-in-an-international-environment (DOC / 468.99 kb)

HPE_Workshop-Proposal (DOCX / 25.91 kb)