dr Marek Musioł
Zakład Studiów nad Bezpieczeństwem
Office hours:
- Semestr Letni 2023/2024
- Tuesday / Wtorek 9:10-9:40 (MS TEAMS) and 13.00-13.45 (room 30)
- Wednesday 13.00-13.45 (room 30)
- Deputy Director for international cooperation at the Institute of International and Security Studies
- Local Coordinator of the International Programme Erasmus Mundus European Master Global Studies
- Adjunct of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Dalhousie University in Canada (2015-2020)
- The participant and member of the NATO Senior Communicators Conference Network
- The participant of the Warsaw Security Forum 2022
- The participant of the Stockholm Security Conference 2020, 'Unlocking nuclear arms control in the time of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis: Change and continuity', the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2020.
- The participant of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - COP24 in Katowice in 2018
- Network member of the International Water Association in London
- Member of European International Studies Association
- Member of Study Purposes and Selection Committee - Erasmus Mundus European Master Global Studies
- Member of the Polish Association of International Studies
- Expert and performer of workshops and courses for the Border Guard Specialist Training Center in Lubań on the subject: Socio-cultural identification of foreigners from Central Asia
Research Interests:
- National and international security
- Regionalism and regionalization
- Geopolitics
- Regionalization processes in Asia
- Central Asia
- The EU and its security policy
- Regional Security Complex Theory
- Securitization
- EU / UN peacekeeping operations and preventive diplomacy
- Global problems and water scarcity
- EU cohesion policy
Grants and Research Scholarships
2. Grant under the NATO Public Diplomacy Division Co-Sponsorship Grants for the organization of an international scientific conference co-financed and carried out under the auspices of NATO entitled "The Wroclaw Security Summit 2023. 3rd International Science Conference. NATO and the EU strategic military and civilian cooperation in the post-Crimean Era", December 5-6, 2023, project coordinator.
3. Grant as part of the INITIATIVE OF EXCELLENCE - RESEARCH UNIVERSITY (IDUB), PROGRAM OF STUDY, TEACHING AND RESEARCH EMPLOYEES, Sciences Po Bordeaux - Center Emile Durkheim (France), 21/06/2022 - 06/07/2022, project manager.
4. Grant as part of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division Co-Sponsorship Grants for the organization of an international scientific conference co-financed and implemented under the patronage of NATO entitled "The Wroclaw Security Summit 2021. 2nd International Science Conference - NATO and the EU - strategic partnership and cooperation in the field of the Euro-Atlantic security area", 14-16 December 2021, project coordinator.
5. Grant under the Excellent Science program - Support for Scientific Conferences of the Ministry of Education and Science for the organization of an international scientific conference co-financed and implemented under the patronage of NATO entitled "The organization of the international conference the Wrocław Security Summit 2021", 14-16 December 2021, project number: DNK/SP/513960/2021, project coordinator.
6. Internal Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - an internal research project, promoting the development of young scientists of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wroclaw, research project: "The European Union as a post-Lisbon regional security complex with its new features and challenges", October 2018 - December 2019, project manager.
7. Grant as part of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division Co-Sponsorship Grants for the organization of an international scientific conference co-financed and implemented under the patronage of NATO entitled "Two decades of the political and military dimension of Poland's membership in the structures of the North Atlantic Alliance", May 24, 2019, project coordinator.
8. Grant of the European Commission, Dalhousie University in Halifax (Canada), 1-15 July 2015, project manager.
9. Grant of the National Science Center in Krakow, competition: Prelude; Panel: HS5, research project: Security Complex in Central Asia after 1991 - the multidimensional analysis of the importance of the region with using of the regional security complex methodology and research paradigms of realism, liberalism and constructivism, 28.02.2013 - 28.02.2014, registration number: 2012/05 / N / HS5 / 02811, project manager.
10. Internal Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - an internal research project, promoting the development of young scientists of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wroclaw, research project: "Analysis of the internal and external environment and security issues in Central Asia as important factors in shaping the regional security complex", November - December 2012, 2332 / M / ISM / 12, project manager.
11. Scholarship: the European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Capital, 23.03.2011 - 05.08.2011, Part I, registration number: 08CE-75F1-CFF1- 5A02.
12. Scholarship: the European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Capital, 07.10.2011 - 29.02.2012, Part II, registration number: E4FC-3580-7916- 3531.
13. Pro-quality scholarship for young scientists for achievements in the academic year 2012/2013, awarded for the academic year 2013/2014.
14. Pro-quality scholarship for young scientists for achievements in the academic year 2011/2012, awarded for the academic year 2012/2013.
Internships and research visits
1. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Shanghai Ranking - 57) and University of California, Berkeley, USA (Shanghai Ranking - 5), June-July 2023.
2. Visit to NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The program of the visit included participation in a two-day conference: NATO SENIOR COMMUNICATORS CONFERENCE, organized by: The Public Diplomacy Division at NATO Headquarters, November 2022.
3. Sciences Po Bordeaux - Center Emile Durkheim (France), June 21, 2022 - July 6, 2022.
4. European Security and Defence College (ESDC), European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, November 2019.
5. Sector of the Cyber security in the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, Security and Defence Policy (SECDEFPOL1), November 2019.
6. European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in Warsaw, October 2019.
7. Institut National des Hautes Etudes de la Sécurité et de la Justice (INHESJ) in Paris, France - September-October 2019.
8. Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole Militaire (IRSEM) in Paris, France - September-October 2019.
9. Shanghai University in China - 07-11.07.2017.
10. Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada - 01-15.07.2015.
11. MGIMO in Moscow - 23-24.09.2013.
12. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU) - 16-26.09.2013.
13. OSCE in Astana - 24-28.08.2013.
14. CARICC in Almaty - 22.08.2013.
15. KIMEP University in Almaty - 11-23.08.2013.
16. University of London - The School of Oriental and African Studies - SOAS, London School of Economics, The International Institute for Strategic Studies - IISS and Chatham House, March 2012.
Main articles
1. M. Musioł, Securitization of Water in Central Asia: Insights from the Regional Water Security Complex, Polish Political Science Yearbook, 2024, Pages: 191-205, DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy202411 (100 pkt.).
2. M. Musioł, Analiza ISIS z perspektywy studiów globalnych jako nowego ujęcia badawczego w naukach społecznych, Historia i Polityka, Toruń, Nr 39(46)/2022, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/HiP.2022.007, 2022, s. 117-136.
3. M. Musioł, Konflikt zbrojny, W: Słownik terminów z obszaru nauk o bezpieczeństwie, Redakcja naukowa Rafał Bazela, Rafał Kołodziejczyk, Anna Mróz-Jagiełło, Jarosław Walczak, Anna Zagórska. - Zielonka: Wydawnictwo Wojskowego Instytutu Technicznego Uzbrojenia, 2022. - S. 141-142.
4. M. Musioł, Operacje pokojowe, W: Słownik terminów z obszaru nauk o bezpieczeństwie / Redakcja naukowa Rafał Bazela, Rafał Kołodziejczyk, Anna Mróz-Jagiełło, Jarosław Walczak, Anna Zagórska. - Zielonka: Wydawnictwo Wojskowego Instytutu Technicznego Uzbrojenia, 2022. - S. 182.
5. M. Musioł, Region geostrategiczny, Marek Musioł, W: Słownik terminów z obszaru nauk o bezpieczeństwie / redakcja naukowa Rafał Bazela, Rafał Kołodziejczyk, Anna Mróz-Jagiełło, Jarosław Walczak, Anna Zagórska. - Zielonka: Wydawnictwo Wojskowego Instytutu Technicznego Uzbrojenia, 2022. - S. 245-246.
6. M. Musioł, M. Kulczycki, T. Wieteska, D. Marcucci, O. Bieniek, P. Kosiorek (ed.), Post-conference report: International Conference Wrocław Security Summit, 14-16 December 2021, the conference and the report were co-financed within the NATO Public Diplomacy Division's co-sponsorship grants, the state budget of the Ministry of Education and Science, the programme Doskonała nauka - Wsparcie konferencji naukowych (project number: DNK/SP/513960/2021), the European Commission Regional Representation in Wrocław and the City of Wrocław, Adam Marszałek Publishing House, Toruń, 2022.
7. M. Musioł, The EU as a Post-Lisbon Regional Security Complex, Frankfurt am Main [et al.]: Peter Lang Publishing Group, monograph, Berlin 2021, p. 271.
8. The importance of permanent structured cooperation – PESCO in the context of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy after 1999, w: Transformacja Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego a uwarunkowania wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne tego procesu, M. Kulczycki, M. Musioł (red.), Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2020.
9. Transformacja Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego a uwarunkowania wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne tego procesu, w: M. Kulczycki, M. Musioł (red.), Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2020, s. 1-341.
10."Humanist geography of Paul Vidal de la Blache as the basis of French geopolitical thought", w: A. Tyszkiewicz, P. Borowiec (red.), Teorie i podejścia badawcze geopolityki, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2020, s. 263-272.
11. "Power Analysis and Geopolitical Codes of South China Sea States in the Context of Contemporary Geopolitics", Polish Political Science Yearbook, 48 (2019), Issue 3, https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy2019302, p. 407-430.
12. "The Securitisation of Kurdish Self-Determination as A Challenge for the Sectarian Balance of Power in the Middle East", Polish Political Science Yearbook, Volume 48 (2019), Issue 1, https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy2019107, p. 115-134.
13. „EU as a global actor – a historical and contemporary overview of the European Union’s growing stabilization activity in Europe and South Caucasus”, Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego, Wrocław 2018.
14. "Problemy bezpieczeństwa w obszarze Kotliny Fergańskiej i ich znaczenie w kontekście centralnoazjatyckiego dylematu bezpieczeństwa", w: Nartsiss Shukuralieva (red.), „Azja Centralna. Tożsamość, naród, polityka”, Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS Sp. z o.o., Kraków 2018.
15."Znaczenie sekurytyzacji i sektorów bezpieczeństwa w ramach krytycznych studiów nad bezpieczeństwem", Historia i Polityka, Nr 23(30)/2018, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2018.
16. „Współczesne wojny i konflikty”, w: Ł. Fijałkowski, R. Kunert-Milcarz, Międzynarodowe stosunki polityczne, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2018.
17. "Overview of the EU role in maintaining peace and security in the Middle East and Central Asia – preventive diplomacy and peace operations", w: B. Molo (red.), "Nowy wymiar konfliktów politycznych i społeczno-gospodarczych w XXI wieku", Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, Kraków 2016.
18. "Kompleks bezpieczeństwa w regionie Azji Środkowej po 1991 r.", Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, monografia, Warszawa 2016.
19. "Post-Soviet Central Asia as a Unique Regional Security Complex", The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, Warszawa 2015.
20. "Specificity of contemporary Central Asian regionalism", Roczniki Nauk Społecznych, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, 2015.
21. "Operacje pokojowe i dyplomacja prewencyjna oraz ich podstawy w ramach polityki zewnętrznej UE w XXI wieku", Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego, Wrocław 2013.
22. "Przejawy aktywności UE w dziedzinie operacji pokojowych i dyplomacji prewencyjnej w Azji", Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2012.
23. "Specyfika azjatyckiej polityki bezpieczeństwa i problemy kontynentu jako bezpośredni impuls do międzynarodowej interwencji", Wrocławski Przegląd Międzynarodowy, 2012.
24. "System bezpieczeństwa zbiorowego w kontekście wzrostu znaczenia opcji regionalnej w stosunkach międzynarodowych", Wrocławski Przegląd Międzynarodowy, 2012.
25. "Przegląd interwencji militarnych i cywilnych UE w Afryce na przykładzie Demokratycznej Republiki Konga", Wrocławskie Studia Politologiczne, 2012.
26. "Unified Protector – operacja NATO w Libii a zasady Karty NZ", report: September – December 2011, Polskie Centrum Studiów Afrykanistycznych, Wrocław 2012.