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Institute of International and Security Studies

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General conditions of recruitment for studies in Polish and English

Candidates are admitted to their first year of studies on the basis of the results of the enrollment procedure. The condition for joining the recruitment procedure is registration into the Internet Candidate Registration (IRKa) system available on the website  and payment of the recruitment fee. The registration procedures in the IRKa and IRC system and the organization of the recruitment process for the first year of studies are specified in the orders of the Rector of the University of Wrocław on the introduction of the Registration Procedure in the Internet Candidate Registration (IRKa) system, Internet Registration of Foreigners (IRC) and the organization of the recruitment process for the first year of studies first-cycle, second-cycle and uniform master's studies at the University of Wrocław. The ordinances also specify what documents are required in the recruitment process from candidates for studies.

[PL] Registration procedure in the Internet Registration of Foreigners (IRC) system and organization of the recruitment process for the first year of first-cycle and second-cycle studies conducted in English at the University of Wrocław, starting in the academic year 2021/2022 (PDF / 840.77 kb)


[PL] Resolution-nr-92_2020-senatu-uwr-z-d-z-z-z-z-dated-2020-06-24-on-the-principles-and-mode-recruitment-Polish-citizens-for-studies-in-the-academic-year-2021-2022 ( PDF / 649.06 kb)

Candidates are admitted to their first year of studies on the basis of the results of the enrollment procedure. The recruitment procedure is carried out by faculty admission committees appointed by the Dean, and in the case of recruitment for inter-faculty studies - appointed by the Rector.
The tasks of the selection committee include in particular:
1) notification of candidates about the date and place of conducting entrance examinations, if it is part of the selection procedure;
2) the enrollment committee provides information on the next stages of the recruitment procedure, including in particular:
a) the results of these stages,
b) date and place for submitting documents,
c) all other information necessary for the communication of the Selection Committee with the candidate;
3) reviewing appeals submitted by candidates in connection with the recruitment procedure;
4) preparation of a report on the course of the recruitment procedure along with a ranking list;
5) drawing up a list of people qualified to be entered on the list of students and entering them on the list of students;
6) making decisions about not admitting to studies and sending them;
7) supervising the process of accepting documents from candidates.

Administrative decisions on behalf of the selection board are signed by its chairman.

If the result of the Matura examination of a candidate for studies - after verification by the Regional Examination Board or after considering the appeal by the Examination Arbitration Board - has been increased, the candidate for studies shall submit an application for the increased result to be taken into account when qualifying for studies in a given academic year. The application should be submitted in person to the Teaching Department or sent by post along with a copy of the new secondary school-leaving examination certificate, taking into account the increased result of the matriculation examination.
The Teaching Department submits applications for consideration by the appropriate admissions committee, referred to in § 3 it. 1, or the University Admissions Committee. Applications submitted by September 30, 2021 will be considered (the date of impact on the university is decisive).

The criteria for the recruitment procedure for candidates for the first year of long-cycle studies, first-cycle studies with a new high school diploma are included in the appendix to Resolution No. 92/2020.

Candidates for long-cycle studies and first-cycle studies with the old matura exam (matura exam until 2004) will be admitted to studies on the basis of a ranking of the sum of grades in any two written subjects taken during the exam
maturity within the agreed admissions limit, unless the rules set out in the appendix to this resolution state otherwise.
The grades will be converted into recruitment points:

Scale 2-5
satisfactory - 3 points
good grade - 4 points
very good grade - 5 points
Scale 1 - 6
mediocre - 2, 6 points.
satisfactory - 3.2 points
good rating - 3.8 points
very good grade - 4.4 points
excellent grade - 5 points

Candidates for long-cycle studies and first-cycle studies with a foreign high school diploma will be admitted to studies on the basis of the document attached in the IRK system authorizing to study in the country of issue, unless the rules set out in the appendix to this resolution state otherwise.

The criteria for the recruitment procedure for candidates for the first year of studies for second-cycle studies with a Polish or foreign diploma are included in the annex to Resolution 92/2020. If the rules of enrollment for second-cycle studies specified in the appendix provide for the admission of graduates of the University of Wrocław in the first place, they shall be added to the ranking list by adding 1000 points.

Recruitment for studies takes place from June 1 to September 30, 2021 and from January 4 to February 26, 2022, in accordance with the schedule published on the website The condition for joining the recruitment procedure is registration in the Internet Candidate Registration (IRKa) system available on the website and payment of the recruitment fee. The registration procedures in the IRKa system and the organization of the recruitment process for the first year of studies will be specified in a separate ordinance of the Rector.

The list of competitions entitling to exemption from the enrollment procedure in particular fields of study / specializations of first-cycle studies and uniform Master's degree studies is regulated by resolutions No. 42/2019 and No. 80/2019. Laureates and finalists of the central subject Olympics as well as winners and finalists of national competitions, the list of which is presented below, are admitted to specific fields of study on the basis of the original document issued by the organizing committee of a given
an Olympiad or a national competition and submitted documents, in accordance with the formal conditions and the schedule applicable in a given year. The rights of the laureate and finalist are awarded to the candidate in the year of passing the secondary school-leaving examination.

(tak - yes; nie - no)

National Saftey

Tytuł olimpiady lub konkursuuprawnienia przysługujące laureatomuprawnienia przysługujące finalistom
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Obronności i Bezpieczeństwietaktak
Olimpiada Policyjnataknie
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Integracji Europejskiejtaknie
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Polsce i świecie Współczesnymtaktak
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Unii Europejskiejtak tak
Konkurs Bezpieczna Szkoła- Bezpieczny Uczeńtaknie

International Relations

Tytuł olimpiady lub konkursuuprawnienie przysługujące laureatomuprawnienie przysługujące finalistom
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Bezpieczeństwie i Obronnościtaktak
Olimpiada Cyfrowatak tak
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Integracji Europejskiejtaknie
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Polsce i świecie Współczesnymtaktak
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Prawach Człowieka w Świecie Współczesnymtaknie
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Unii Europejskiejtaktak
Konkurs Bliżej Europy, organizowany przez ISMtaknie

Candidates with an IB diploma are admitted to studies as part of the recruitment procedure for candidates with the so-called "New high school diploma". For the purposes of the ranking, the candidates referred to in sec. 1, receive recruitment points equal to the maximum number of points enrolled in the recruitment for a given field of study (N) multiplied by the relative number of points obtained on the IB diploma and divided by 45. Recruitment points = (N x number of points on the IB diploma) / 45.

A candidate who has passed the bilingual exam in a foreign language receives the maximum number of points for the basic level in a foreign language (100%), multiplied by an appropriate coefficient specified in the recruitment rules, to calculate the enrollment points. The result of the foreign language examination passed at the bilingual level is converted into the result of the foreign language examination at the extended level by multiplication by 4/3 and rounded to the full percentage, and then multiplied by the appropriate coefficient specified in the recruitment rules.

A candidate for second-cycle studies who question the assessment of the written work is allowed to see the work within 7 days from the date of announcement of the results.

A person admitted to studies receives information about being entered on the list of students after the final results of the recruitment procedure are announced in the IRK system. A person not admitted to studies receives a written administrative decision not to admit to studies.
A person entered on the list of students who did not take the oath within the prescribed period is removed from it. Decisions in this regard, authorized by the Rector, are made by the dean / director of the inter-faculty unit.

If the proven disability of the candidate prevents him / her from participating in the recruitment procedure provided for in the appendix to the resolution, the chairman of the faculty admissions committee shall, at the request of the disabled person, apply the changed procedure.

Rates of tuition fees:  Order of the Rector of the University of Wrocław No.-22-2021-fees-for-studies (PDF / 757.19 kb)


[PL] Resolution-nr-93_2020-senatu-uwr-z-d-z-z-z-z-dated-2020-06-24-on-the-rules-and-recruitment-mode-for-foreigners-for-studies-in-the-academic-year-2021-2022 (PDF / 388.28 kb)

Candidates are admitted to the first year of studies on the basis of the results of the enrollment procedure. The recruitment procedure is carried out by faculty admission committees appointed by the Dean, and in the case of recruitment for inter-faculty studies - appointed by the Rector.
The tasks of the selection committee include in particular:
1) notification of candidates about the date and place of conducting entrance examinations, if it is part of the selection procedure;
2) the enrollment committee provides information on the next stages of the recruitment procedure, including in particular:
a) the results of these stages,
b) date and place for submitting documents,
c) all other information necessary for the communication of the selection committee
with the candidate;
3) issuing opinions on applications for reconsideration of the case submitted by candidates in
in connection with the recruitment procedure;
4) preparation of a report on the course of the recruitment procedure along with a ranking list;
5) drawing up a list of people qualified for admission to studies;
6) supervising the process of accepting documents from candidates;
7) transfer of documents qualified for admission to studies to the Rector.

Admission to studies takes place by way of an administrative decision of the Rector. If the Rector's decision is to refuse admission to studies, forms may be requested for reconsideration of your case.

Candidates for studies conducted in Polish are required to submit a certificate confirming their knowledge of the Polish language at a minimum level of B1.
Confirmation of the knowledge of the Polish language referred to in paragraph 1 is:
1) a certificate of completion of a preparatory course to undertake education in Polish in units designated by the Minister of Science and Higher Education;
2) a certificate of knowledge of the Polish language issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Knowledge of Polish as a Foreign Language;
3) a certificate issued by the School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners of the University of Wrocław.
3. Exempt from the need to present the certificate referred to in sec. 1 are scholarship holders of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and candidates who have:
1) permanent residence permit;
2) the Pole's Card;
3) secondary school-leaving certificate issued in the Polish education system;
4) a university degree in the Polish language of instruction.

Candidates for study programs conducted in English are required to submit a certificate confirming their knowledge of English at the minimum B2 level in the Council of Europe.

Confirmation of the knowledge of the English language referred to in paragraph 1 is:
1) a certificate of completion of the preparatory course for education in English issued by the Department of Intensive Study of English at the University of Wrocław at B2 level;
2) certificate of knowledge of English at the B2 level issued by the Department of Intensive English Language Studies at the University of Wrocław or the Department of Practical Foreign Language Studies at the University of Wrocław;
3) language certificate (e.g. FCE, IELTS 5.5-6.5, TOEFL, BEC Vantage) or other equivalent international certificates, recognized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education or the Center for Practical Foreign Language Science at the University of Wrocław, listed in the link: http : //
Exempt from the need to submit the certificate referred to in paragraph 1 are the candidates:
1) for which English was the language of instruction at completed secondary school or at completed studies, which is confirmed by the transcript of the grades or the diploma of studies;
2) for whom English is the mother tongue;
3) who passed their English secondary school-leaving examination at a level extended to at least 80%;
4) who have passed an English exam at B2 level during their studies and it is listed in the supplement to the diploma.

The criteria for the recruitment procedure for candidates for the first year of uniform Master's studies, first-cycle studies and second-cycle studies are included in the annex to Resolution 93/2020.

Recruitment for studies in Polish takes place from June 1 to September 30, 2021 and from January 4 to February 26, 2022, according to the schedule available on the website Recruitment for studies in English takes place from February 1, 2021 to August 15, 2021 for non-EU citizens and until September 15, 2021 for EU citizens, according to the schedule available on the website
The condition for joining the recruitment procedure is to register in the Internet Registration of Candidates (IRKa) system available on the website or Internet Registration within a specified period.
Foreigners (IRC) available on the website and payment of the recruitment fee.
The registration procedures in the IRKa and IRC system and the organization of the recruitment process for the first year of studies will be determined by the Rector's order by the end of April 2021. The admission limits for the academic year 2021/2022 will be specified in a separate
by order of the Rector.

A candidate who questions the evaluation of the written work is allowed to see the work within 7 days from the date of announcement of the results.

A person admitted to studies, who did not take the oath within the prescribed period, is removed from the list of admitted to studies. The dean notifies the dean about the removal from the list of admitted persons.

If the candidate's disability has been declared to prevent him from participating in the recruitment procedure provided for in the annex to the resolution, the faculty admissions committee shall, at the request of the disabled person, apply the changed procedure.

Rates of fees: Regulation no-22-2021-fees-for-studies (PDF / 757.19 kb)