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Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > Open Lecture given by Dr. Richard Arnold from Muskingum University USA

The Institute of International Studies hosted Dr. Richard Arnold from Muskingum University, Ohio, USA, who delivered a lecture on Cossack movement in contemporary Russia. The meeting took place on December 8, 2022.

Dr. Richard Arnold is an associate professor of political science at Muskingum University (Ohio), where he teaches international relations and comparative politics. He is the author of the monograph Russian Nationalism and Ethnic Violence: Symbolic Violence, Lynching, Pogrom, and Massacre, which was published in 2016 by Routledge, as well as the editor of The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia (Routledge 2021). Dr. Arnold is a member of the PONARS network and has published articles in leading political science journals, including Theoretical Criminology, Post-Soviet Affairs, Problems of Post-Communism, PS: Political Science and Politics, and the Journal for the Study of Radicalism. In winter semester 2022/2023 Dr. Arnold was a Fulbright Commission scholarship holder and was pursuing his research stay at the Institute of International Studies.