University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > We would like to invite to attend an International Seminar

Migrant women at the margin. Migrant women in Poland: discrimination on the labor market and cyberviolence. Ukrainian case

We invited to the discussion researchers, NGO’s workers and officers of public institutions from Poland and Italy.

The seminar is a part of the project Migrant women at the margin. Addressing vulnerabilities in intersectionality: between violence and exploitation, which is realized in collaboration with Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, University of Padova, and the Institute of International Studies as Leading foreign institution.

The coordinators of the project are prof. Paola Degani, prof. Paolo Stefani, dr Katarzyna Jędrzejczyk Kuliniak and prof. Magdalena Ratajczak.

The seminar will start 10th of October at 9.00, room 201, Institute of International Studies.

Program:  PROGRAM-Migrant-women-at-the-margin (PDF) 
